Pit To Rom Batubara Pt Insani Baraperkasa

Coal Producer in Samarinda!

PT Insani Baraperkasa (IBP), a subsidiary of PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk, is engaged in coal mining. As an integrated coal producer located in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, IBP produces coal with a calorie content ranging from GAR 3900 to GAR 5300.

IBP holds a Production Stage Generation III Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B) license, with a total concession area of 24,477.6 Ha.

With Total Resources of 565.66 million MT & Total Estimated Reserves of 146.17 million MT, IBP has extraordinary advantages with a strategic location close to major customers in Asia.

Coal Production and Sales

As of September 30, 2024, the Company reported revenue of US$257.16 million, up 8.77% compared to US$236.43 million in the same period of the previous year.

Despite this, the Company increased its production volume by 15.69% to 4.67 million MT from 4.03 million MT in the same period last year, driven by high demand from China, India & Korea, and supported by favorable weather conditions. This increase demonstrates production capability in optimizing production and capitalizing on market opportunities.

The increase in production is also reflected in the increase in sales volume of 19.81% reaching 4.91 million MT compared to 4.09 million MT in the previous year.

0 Juta MT
9 Months of 2024 Coal Production
0 Juta MT
9 Months of 2024 Coal Sales
Data Produksi & Penjualan Per Tahun
Dalam Juta Metrik Ton, hingga bulan September 2024.
Data Triwulan Produksi Batu Bara
Dalam Juta Metric Ton, hingga bulan September 2024.
Data Triwulan Penjualan Batu Bara
Dalam Juta Metric Ton, hingga bulan September 2024.
Negara Tujuan Penjualan Batu Bara Tahun 2024
Negara tujuan penjualan batu bara IBP selama 9 bulan 2024.