Hendro Martowardojo

President Commissioner

Hendro Martowardojo

Presiden Komisaris
Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir pada tahun 1954. Memegang jabatan sebagai Presiden Komisaris Perseroan sejak tahun 2007 berdasarkan Akta Berita Acara RUPSLB No.116, tanggal 15 Januari 2008. Hingga saat ini beliau juga masih menjabat di beberapa perusahaan ternama, seperti PT Catering Aeroprima Service, PT Citra Dana Asia, PT Niaga Sekuritas, dan PT Dana Usaha Makmur.

DR. Suparno Adijanto, Ph.D


DR. Suparno Adijanto, Ph.D

An Indonesian citizen born in 1960. He was appointed as Commissioner of the Company since 2020 pursuant to Minutes of Meeting No. 25 dated 26 August 2020. Currently he serves as President Director of PT. Prakarsa Tani Sejati, President Commissioner of PT. Multimatics Indonesia, President Director of Lifelong Learning, Chairman and CEO of PT. Global Palm Resources Limited, and Commissioner of PT. Bias Petrasia Persada.

Luiyanto Yamin

Independent Commissioner

Luiyanto Yamin

Independent Commissioner
An Indonesian citizen born in 1957. He has served as Commissioner of the Company since 2010 pursuant to Minutes of Meeting of EGMS No. 136 dated 17 June 2010. Currently he is an Accounting and Tax Lecturer at Jayakarta Business College and Gunung Sewu Business College, Jakarta.

Darma Putra Wati

Independent Commissioner

Darma Putra Wati

Independent Commissioner
Independent Commissioner An Indonesian Citizen, born in 1966. He was appointed as independent Commissioner of the Company in 2023 based on the Deed of EGM Minutes No. 114, December 7, 2023. Previously he worked at PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk, as Deputy Chief Commissioner.

Won Chil Yu


Won Chil Yu

A South Korean citizen, 43 years old. He has been appointed as the Commissioner of the Company since 2023 based on Deed of Minutes of AGMS Number 41 dated June 21, 2023 Before joining the Company, he held various strategic positions at big companies such as LG International (Coal Team), Indonesian Coal Business Unit (Sourcing Manager – PT. BGE), Part Leader – Coal Trading Team 1, Head of Energy Trading Team 1, Head of Indonesia Mineral Resources Trading Team, Head of Indonesia Mineral Resources Trading Team, Marketing Director of PT. BGE – Coal Trading, Marketing Director of PT. EMI – Nickel Ore Trading. He Graduated from Seoul National University – Russian Language and Literature 2002 and Graduated from Yonsei University – Master of Business Administration 2003, He has no affiliate relationship with other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors or principal shareholder.

Pintarso Adijanto

President Director

Pintarso Adijanto

President Director
An Indonesian citizen born in 1957. He has served as President Director of the Company (formerly PT Kurnia Kapuas Utama Glue Industries) since 1993 pursuant to Deed of Minutes of Meeting No. 47 dated 22 June 1993. Since 2000 until now, he has also been serving as President Director of PT Insani Baraperkasa, a subsidiary of the Company.

Bambang Prijonohadi


Bambang Prijono Hadi


An Indonesian citizen, born in 1953. Appointed as the Company’s Director since 2010 based on the Deed of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 136, dated June 17, 2010. Currently, he also serves as a Director in several companies, including PT Bumi Raya Utama Industries Logam, PT Kurnia Jaya Raya, PT Loa Haur, PT Anugerah Bumi Mahakam, PT Kaltim Mineral, PT Bumi Perangat Hijau, PT Kurnia Mahakam Industri, and PT Bumi Raya Hijau Lestari.

Wimpi Salim - Direktur PT Resource Alam Indonesia - KKGI

Wimpi Salim


Wimpi Salim

An Indonesian citizen, born in 1957. Holds the position of Director of the Company since 2012 based on the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 114, dated March 15, 2012. Since 2012, he has served as Director of PT Insani Baraperkasa, a subsidiary of the Company.




An Indonesian citizen, born in 1973. Appointed as Director of the Company since 2012 based on the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 114, dated March 15, 2012.

Agoes Soegiarto


Agoes Soegiarto

An Indonesian citizen, born in 1967. He was appointed as a Director of the Company in 2013 based on the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 153, dated May 24, 2013. He joined the Company as the Chief Financial Officer of the Company in April 2012 and is responsible for the implementation of online accounting systems, restructuring and acquisition of potential new mining companies.




An Indonesian citizen, born in 1970. He was appointed as a Director of the Company in 2023 based on the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 114, dated December 7, 2023. Previously served as an Independent Commissioner and became a member of the Audit Committee. In addition, he also serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company. 1 Previously he was a Director at PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (JSI) Group, as President Director in several subsidiaries and currently as Commissioner at PT Medan Raya Perkasa under the JSI Group. He has served as a Director in several subsidiaries in the Sinarmas Group in the fields of forestry, coal mining and multimedia. He started his career as a Branch Manager in a bank and as Finance & Accounting Manager in a financing company under the Dwi Satrya Utama Group.
Board of Commissioners
Name Position Affiliation
Hendro Martowardojo President Commissioner Affiliation – Shareholder
DR. Suparno Adijanto, Ph.D Commissioner Affiliation – Shareholder
Luiyanto Yamin Independent Commissioner Non-Affiliated – Non-Shareholder
Darma Putra Wati Independent Commissioner Non-Affiliated – Non-Shareholder
Won Chil Yu Commissioner Non-Affiliated – Non-Shareholder
Board of Directors
Name Position Affiliation
Pintarso Adijanto President Director Affiliation – Shareholder
Bambang Prijonohadi Director Affiliation – Shareholder
Winanto Director Non-Affiliated – Non-Shareholder
Wimpi Salim Director Affiliation – Shareholder
Agoes Soegiarto Soeparman Director Affiliation – Shareholder
Eddy Director Non-Affiliated – Non-Shareholder
Audit Committee Profile

Darma Putra Wati

Independent Commissioner

Luiyanto Yamin

Independent Commissioner

Robby Fonso

External Party
Profil Komite Audit
Lenny SC

Leny Siau Ching

Corporate Secretary